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What's An Old Yankee Doing Here?


I am not a marketing expert. I'm an old Yankee who has spent many years living an old adage about “no string too short to save.” My shop can really show how using all the materials you have works.

True to the New England way, you don't throw it out; because you may need it tomorrow. I can carve one of a kind pieces. Each carving is unique. Whether you think of it as art or craft, they are creations inspired by my world. Each one can be the perfect gift that no one else will ever have.

My shop is full of things that should be somewhere else. I want to share with the world these individual pieces inspired by the world around me, so I put up a web page with some of my carvings.

The value of them is in the eye of the beholder. For me, they are a gift to my mind. The dollar value is of no significance. So as I do this, the dollar value is up to someone who wants and would like the carving. This means the price is in your hands and the value to me is knowing someone will enjoy my craft. For me that was the satisfaction, and whether I get $10 or $1,000 for my craft, I have felt satisfied and pleased with it.

I invite you to look at my website, find the one of a kind, unique gift and make me an offer. If it covers my cost and buys me a new piece of material, it will probably be yours, and I will be one piece of string lighter in my shop.



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